Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006


you are a china shop
and i am a bull
you are really good food
and i am full
i guess everything is timing
the only one who really loves me is you
and you'll say girl did you kick some butt
and i'll say i don't really remember
you'll say it's really good to see you
you'll say i missed you horribly
you'll say let me carry that
give that to me
and you will take the heavy stuff
and you will drive the car
and i'll look out the window and make jokes
about the way things are

(ani difranco - you had time)

i don't wanna talk
don't wanna wake up
don't wanna move
this is my silence
one more drink
then i throw that thing
put my guitar down
and breath out
breath in again and think
hell i know that this ain't easy

(chris and the other girls - when the story ends)

it's not your fault that's all i can say
might sound stupid but we'll find a way
this ain't tomorrow this is yesterday
so much to say but i think we should not talk
these words are my call for peace

(chris and the other girls - let go)

Und viele andere Lieder (Lullaby, I Am The Problem, usw.), die von chris and the other girls sind, liefen heute am Weg zur Arbeit.

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number just in case


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